A Movement of God Through the People of God
From the very beginning, the Church of the Nazarene has prayerfully sent her people into the world with Christ’s transformational love.
Today, we are a global missions movement working throughout the world. We believe God is actively redeeming His creation and has called us to partner with Him.
Nazarene Missions is a movement of God through the people of God. 

Our Method of Missions

Nazarene Missions centers around Compassion, Evangelism, and Education.

COMPASSION brings restoration
 Nazarene Missions provides a full range of compassionate ministries that address systemic problems. From natural disaster relief to child development, Nazarene Missions has reach, impact, and longevity. 
EVANGELISM shares the Gospel
 The power of Christ’s Gospel through the witness of the Holy Spirit draws people near, prompting transformation of heart and life. 
EDUCATION builds sustainability
 Our purpose is fully realized when our churches have the knowledge to thrive. Nazarene Missions helps facilitate training, teaching, and resourcing to support our local Nazarene churches around the globe.