As I have started down the path of this “mini-journey” through Lent toward Easter, I am hoping for once to actually “give up”, or as we frequently say, “sacrifice” something for more than 5 or 6 days, my usual path of endurance.
I’m here to say that I have actually clicked off 9 days, 10 by tomorrow, doubling my record. Now I’d best tell you the things that I have given up for Lent.
Not sure why I chose a few things but they include:
- No devices in my bedroom
- No podcasts after 8pm
- No weekday snooze button
- Reduced radio in the car, only classical music
- Increased “alone/solitude” time
My hope was and is, that this experience will have a spiritually positive impact on me. Not just for 40 days but ongoing.
In thinking through this process of Lent, someone told me that they were informed it takes about three weeks to let go of a comfortable habit. Wow, that was a thought to pause on for awhile!! You see, the truth is, devices and snooze buttons and XM radio are part of the great comforts in the lives we lead, and in mine.
Millions around the globe will never, ever experience or enjoy the very comforts that I am “giving up”, “sacrificing” for a few days of Lent. Seems my “sacrifices” are possibly trivial in perspective. But honestly, at first I was a bit irritated at the realization I was not going to be able to do what I wanted—my comforts!! But isn’t that the point, or part of it! We/I are so used to the activity patterns and comforts, excesses of our day to day lives that we want, rely on and expect, that for our culture, it does require a “giving up” to set aside our hearts, minds, time and distractions to hear the voice of the Lord; sometimes the voices of those we know and love and those we need to serve.
As I’ve begun to get past the barriers of “letting go” of my comforts, I trust my mind will be clearer, quieter, more settled and able to move more fully to prayer and rest in the Lord.
“Take a deep breath
Silencing the noise in our lives takes time, but it’s one of the reasons for Lent.”